The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Three gateways to liberation and a message from Luang Poo Doon
2013-02-20 Three gateways to liberation and a message from Luang Poo Doon 13:51
Akincano Marc Weber
Luang Poo Doon's reframing of the 4 Noble Truths: "The mind that goes out in order to satisfy its moods is the Cause of Suffering (samudaya). The result that comes from the mind going out in order to satisfy its moods is Suffering (dukkha). The mind seeing the mind clearly is the Path leading to Cessation of Suffering (magga). The result of the mind seeing the mind clearly is the Cessation of Suffering (nirodha). Luang Poo Doon หลวงปู่ ตูลย์ (trnsl. A. Pasanno)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Februrary 2013 at IMS - Forest Refuge

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